
Rustic [Hunger Games] Ombre Sign

Who's excited for Hunger Games to come out this weekend??  Kelli and Kristyn have already set up a double date [hubbies included this time ;) Boo to Kristi living in Yuma!] to see it this weekend.  In honor of the fun movie, our buddy Rae Gun hosted fun HG related tutorials.  This rustic ombre Hunger Games sign (from our favorite line in the books) was our contribution to her series:
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Do you recognize this quote?  It's from Peeta...so cute.

 "I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you."
Supplies needed are simple: 
Wood board, Acrylic paint, Vinyl Lettering Stencil, Foam brushes

To create your own:
We cut our own wood to 16"L x 10"W.  We created the lettering in our vinyl program and cut it out, but we backward weeded it so it became a stencil.  Then we painted the letters 4 different colors, creating a unique ombre look.  Don't forget the core of this sign....the little mockingjay symbol in a light gray hiding in the corner.  After it was dry, we distressed it with sandpaper, poly'd it for protection and you're done:

We actually gave this cute sign away (congrats #43, Sims Family!) as we were caught up in the excitement of the whole series but as you can see, it was simple to make.

Are YOU into Hunger Games too?  Anyone out there braving the movie theater crowds to see the mighty Katniss fight for her life??


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE. The book. Your project. Peeta. Mmmmmm can we all go to the movie together?!? {I wish!!!}

  2. This sign is awesome! I have no idea how I found your blog tonight... but where have I been?? You girls are so cute and I love your projects! AND I see that you are going to SNAP :) whoo hoo, we totally need to meet up. My sister Natalie and I just started our blog together 6 months ago. I always love finding other sisters who blog together. Plus, we grew up in Arizona... how long have you guys lived there? I know you are probably younger than me but might be closer to Nat's age. Anyway, can't wait to meet you next month! Newest followers :)

  3. Jaime that would be too fun!! (: Isn't Peeta adorable?!

  4. love the ombre! i need to make an ombre sign in my house. just found the cutest ombre polka dot fabric from riley blake....... NEED to buy a yard!!!

  5. Super cute! I am so excited to see it, but I dont know when I'll get to :-(


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