
Holiday Dessert: Girls Night In! #cleverdessert #spon

Thanks to Duncan Hines for sponsoring my writing. There's no limit to the baking possibilities, so grab your favorite Duncan Hines mix and Comstock or Wilderness fruit fillings and Bake On! www.duncanhines.com

It's been a long holiday season already.  The hubby's been working long hours which means I've been on my own for Christmas shopping, planning, moving around our Elf on the Shelf, getting ready to go out of town for Christmas, creating and sending Christmas cards, etc.  

Bottom line: I was definitely ready for some girl time so after dinner last night, I invited some friends over for a yummy dessert (we missed you Kristi!) and made the hubs take the kids and scram! ;)

They were so impressed with my baking skills, lol...but it was really all about reading directions from a box!  Duncan Hines made it too easy to woo my ladies! ;)

Here's how you can create a pretty holiday dessert with little effort.  I love the surprise when you cut into it... 

Cherry Jubliee Cake


  • Preheat oven to 350. Grease 2 9" round cake pans. 
  • Bake cake according to box, cool. 
  • Fold can of cherries into whipped topping.
  • Place one cake layer on pretty cake stand, spread whipped topping mixture.
  • Place second layer on top of the first layer.
  • Frost side and top of cake with chocolate frosting.
See how easy that was? It looks much harder which will fool your guests into thinking you're a fabulous baker.  And it's so sinfully yummy!  No calorie counting allowed!! ;)

Remember to check out Duncan Hines' website www.duncanhines.com to find some great recipes for your holiday get-together!  For example, I really love these ornament cupcakes:

Perfect to bring to your kid's holiday party or a work get together.  Adorable. 

See you back here tonight for our weekly link party! Last day to enter both of our giveaways as well!  Happy Friday, folks! xoxo

I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective


  1. Anonymous12/09/2011

    This looks amazing! I just pinned it to make this month.

  2. It's so easy, Leah! And it's soooo good!! Thanks for pinning! XO

  3. MMM...looks good!

    BTW, have you picked a winner for the Elmer's giveaway yet?

  4. Thanks for the reminder! Will announce winners for our past 3 giveaways tonight!

    Note to all: be sure you're followers, we do check ;)


  5. wow fancy kell! who knew that could be so easy? mmmm! freeze me a piece? ;) jk!

    ps: i wish i would have seen those DH ornament cupcakes before i purchased the ingredients for candybar cupcakes i'm baking for my ward party tomorrow night... first impressions are everything right? ;) miss you!

  6. And you didn't invite me? LAME! LOL JK. :)

  7. Whatever to both of you KRIS'!! ;) You're both welcome over ANY time!!

  8. I need to CUT serious calories this season...not add to them...shame, shame, shame on you, Kelli...

    And Kris...yes, that was Kristi as in Kristi from Lolly Jane...;) Coming to you soon...;)


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