
WGW #36

We got some stinky news this week, 
which is why we didn't present our craft night projects as planned:
Kristi is moving to....
{Taken by Kristi today while house hunting}

You Arizonan's are all cringing right now, we know, and for those of you who don't know where Yuma is, be glad.  Okay okay, it's probably not THAT bad but it is over 3 hours away and she is moving in a few weeks so it's gotten too crazy to finish planning/execute our craft night.  {Can you imagine how hard I'm taking this, considering we're currently next-door neighbors?!} 
But, stay tuned for our bi-monthly craft nights starting in January.  Yay!

Now onto the party....
Welcome to Whatcha Got Weekend!
No rules, but please follow our blog ;)

Here were the top viewed projects last week:
1. Eclectic braided bracelet by The Scrap Shoppe  2. Girl room by Love of  Homes  3. Crochet bracelet by The Craft Project  4. Ruffle peasant dress by Johnny In A Dress  5. White chicken chili by Vintage Gwen  6. Dot chair by Embracing Change

As always, thank you for linking up with us!
We  to see your creativity :)

Now let's see whatcha got!


  1. Thanks for hosting and that's a real bummer about the move. I don't know where Yuma is but it looks desolate :(

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about the move :( Being here in AZ I know the joys of Yuma ;) Thanks for hosting, even on such a sad day. Hang in there lovely ladies!!

  3. Oh that's not good :( I hope your bi-monthly craft nights are even more special now with the distance. Thanks for hosting and good luck with the move Kristi.

  4. Good luck with the move... no fun... I wish I lived closer to my sisters too. Have a fabulous weekend, it is always a pleasure!


  5. What? You mean my little ole' chili recipe was a most viewed?! Wow! Awesome!!
    Well fooey! I know a move is hard but at least you have your lovely blog to help ease the change! You gals rock!

  6. Thanks for hosting! And, good luck with the move....it looks...umm...really nice....and stuff. Have a great week!

  7. Sad :( I had a friend who lived there for the military and I'm pretty sure they said it was a whole lot of nothing! Thanks for hosting the party!

  8. Thanks for hosting the party girls!

    I'm from Australia, so I don't know where Yuma is. But, I do know how you feel. My sister and my Mum live nearly 4 hours away. It does get easier, just remember each other is only a phone call away, I know it not the same but it helps.

    Enjoy your last weeks together.
    Hugs Rochelle

  9. Oooohhh NO! Sad to hear your sister's moving...I'm sure you'll squeeze LOTS of crafty time in when you ARE together though...keep the faith!

  10. Blah for Yuma. Seriously.

    On a happier note, thanks for hosting such a fab party each week!

  11. Aw! Sorry to hear Krisi is moving away! But hey, three hours is a totally doable distance!! Hopefully you two will get to see each other multiple times each month! Good luck with the move! Thanks for hosting!

  12. Ah, Yuma. Garden spot of the universe and home of the Yuma Convicts of Yuma High. But it is right on the river so it can't be all bad. The old prison is an added bonus!

  13. what a bummer------I knowwww 3 hours isn't thattt far, but if you guys live next door right now that is going to stink! Ohhh but Kristi have fun house hunting.... that can be fun right?! And now you guys will have a BUNCH of fun projects to do for the new place I am guessing!

  14. whaaaaaaaaaah...... I am sad too :( Now kel you are stuck with ME baw haw haw (evil laugh)


  15. :( Sad for you guys! Though moving is always a new adventure, right?

    My sister is "married to the army" and they are stationed in Korea right now, so I only see her every few years.

    Glad I got to meet you both at Glitter Academy- you ladies are awesome! Thanks for hosting....

  16. Next door neighbors to 3 hours. BUMMMMMMMER!! I hope you guys keep it crazy, thats kinda how we like it :)

  17. Sorry for your stinky news! I can't believe you two are going to be living so far away from each other. I'm sure you'll make the best of it though.

    Thanks for hosting!


  18. That's where Mr. Papageorgio is from in Vegas Vacation.

    Sorry to hear she's moving, at least it's not too far! That's about how far I'm from my parents, it's not too bad at all!

  19. Well that is stinky news! I live 3 hours from my parents, and while not that far away, it can still be difficult to visit.

    In positive news, thank you SO MUCH for featuring my bracelet today!! Made my day. :)

  20. Bummer! But I hope the transition is a smooth one!

  21. my sister is currently buying the house next door to us, so i can understand how sad you must be! :(

  22. Kristi, it could be worse. You could be moving to AJ.... oh wait then you would be my neighbor ;0)

  23. Oh, that is depressing. I want to cry for you. Mostly, because I think if I lived next door to my sister and then she moved I would be oh so sad. Good luck Kristi as you are packing and planning and having to move. I am sure you will create a beautiful home there.

  24. We love you all. Thanks for the great comments. We're definitely sad about the separation. Hopefully LJ survives it!! ;)

  25. Thanks for hosting such a great party!! Good luck with your move!


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