
Rustic Stamped Bench PB Knock Off

My hubby finally had Thanksgiving off, I was beyond excited!  He works weekends so when he told me he had FOUR whole days home, I begged him to build me a Pottery Barn bench!  We are huge fans of Ana-White.com.  Nate built these beds for our boys  [which I have yet to paint but that's a post for another day] so he figured this bench would be a cinch.

Love it!!  It's one step closer to getting my dining room completed.  I just want to sit at the table with all 4 kids every meal, it's a simple request.  Right now they're on the bar stools, we're at the table.  [Anyone else out there not sitting at the table with your kids?? I hate it...]

Here's a small glimpse of where I was on Monday...

See how much seating we'll finally have for our family of 6??  With the bench, we can eat together in close quarters.  

Here's a full shot for the fun before/after affect:

Bonus: it matches the 4 bar stools I recently re-did:
[Before: 2 black, 2 red, non-matching. After: 2-Tone: Stain/Blue]

A quick DIY on painting these bar stools [same as I did for the bench]:
Step 1) Sand. Step 2) Stain seat. Step 3) You may need up to 3 coats depending on preference.  Step 4) Paint and glaze legs [this was taken before I glazed, fyi]. *Don't forget 2 coats of poly!!

I love the bar stools.  I got the 2 red ones from Ross years ago [$20/ea] but was never able to find 2 more to match [for my 4 kids]. Then we moved and they sat in storage.  Once we got into this house over the summer, I found 2 more on Craigslist [$20/total].  I finally have a matching set on the cheap, whoot!

Okay I'm off task, back to the bench...soon the matching dining room table and chairs will be completed.  Oh!-did you see the patterned wall in the background in the first pic?  Consider that your sneak peek of my fully finished dining room... hint: a giveaway for the pattern may or may not be included upon final reveal early next week...

Of course I had to customize my bench.  I wanted a bigger statement than just 2-tone stain/paint.  I thought a post mark would be cute so I got to thinking and came up with a custom stamp for the corner, just a subtle little reminder of the man who built me this beaut.

To create the stamp, I altered Graphique's French post mark image. [We received 25 images total from them as a prize when we won Season 3 of the American Crafter competition]  Cute right??  We simply saved it as a jpg, imported it into our vinyl cutter program, altered it and came up with this:

[Graphique's French Post Mark / Lolly Jane's Marriage Stamp]

Get it?-The place we got married + our wedding date.  ;)  

Start with your bench. Brush on 1 coat of stain. Apply vinyl stamp. Press as hard as you can. Apply 2nd coat of stain. Peel off vinyl. 

I thought it was a fun way to dress up the bench.  Something more than plain ol' stain ;)

Next week I'll post pics of the dining room set all finished up with a custom twist as well.  And of course, that crazy yellow wall!

ps: Want your own stamp? Available for purchase HERE.
pps: Linkin up here.  


  1. Ohh it's gorgeous and I love the stamp!! How exciting! :)

  2. The stamp idea is ADORABLE! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE IT!

    Pamela @ pbjstories.com

  3. Thanks so much, girls!! I appreciate your feedback! XOXO, Kelli

  4. Hey, we were married in the Mesa Temple a month after you! Beautiful bench!

  5. Oh I love it! That's so fun that it matches the barstools too! Is the stamp date your wedding anniversary? It turned out so good!!

  6. Kelli it's rustic heaven. Love how you personalized the stamp, a great memory and little tidbit for folks to find. Ana is truly the greatest, I wish I lived in Alaska with her!

  7. Love the stamp on it! Great idea!

  8. Yay for being married in the Mesa temple, Nikki! Yes, Katie...it's our wedding date so romantic, lol! ;)

    So glad ya'll like it!! XO

  9. Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love,Love.... Lol! I think you get the picture... and I CANNOT wait to see more of the yellow wall!!

  10. Aww, thanks Nat!! You're the best, I'm so glad you of all people [Miss Design Star herself!] love it!! ;)

  11. Oh so clever! Pinning this technique for future use. And I love how you altered the image! So sweet!

  12. DARLING!!!! Can't wait to see the dining room table painted to match. Hurry up sis! Well don't hurry up because as soon as you are done with the dining room it's me and you baby. Time to organize the rest of the house. Baw ha ha ha!

  13. Anonymous11/30/2011

    This came out great!

  14. Love it girlies! Fab bench and the stamp idea is nothing but pure genius! So glad to know that you love Black Friday shopping and relying on diet coke to make it through the event. We truly are kindred sisters! Thanks for the eye candy! You guys rock!

  15. Kelli. You are AMAZING. It is gorgeous!!!! I can't even tell you how much I love the stamp on it-it just makes it absolutely perfect!! Oooooohhhh you're so talented I can't even stand it!!! :)

  16. Wow that is beautiful! I'm in love :) The stamp is such a sweet idea too, makes it so special

  17. @Tausha: hilarious! Diet Coke and late night shopping is the best combo ;) @Ang: you are a sweetheart! @HSH Thanks so much! So glad you all agree with my crazy ideas :)

  18. Cute! I hate sitting at those benches though...I need a back on my seat!

  19. Just when I think you couldn't possibly make anything I love more...you do!!! I LOVE this!!!! :) What a talented fam!!! :) It's awesome, I'm jealous!! :)

  20. You guys did an amazing job!! I love it!

  21. Your bench is AM-A-ZING!!! Love the two tone and especially the customized stamp. What a great piece. I'm a big fan of Ana White's plans too - such fun stuff. I just might have to make myself one after seeing yours :D

  22. I love this bench! You did a great job!!!

  23. What a GREAT personalization. Love how you did it with the stain. Perfect effect!

  24. Oh my gosh, that's so clever! You did a really good job finishing this off.

    And, I loved that little peek at your walls - they look gorgeous, too!

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  25. Soooooo cute! I love that you made it so personal! I'm saving your site for future reference! :)

    xoxo laurie

  26. Darling! What a great way to add more space to the table! I love the personalization too! I am going to show this off on my blog later today!


  27. I just found your blog yesterday and have loved looking at your projects. This one is fantastic! I love bench seating and the twist with the stamp is genius. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Awesome Carlee! (: And welcome, Katherine! Glad you appreciate it! XO


    I LOVE THIS!! The bench in and of itself would have been amazing, but the addition of the stamp makes it pure perfection!! Genius, I tell ya!!

    Oooo, and imagine how this would look on a rocking chair in Dutch's room, with the date of his birth instead of a marriage date.

    Once again, your creativity astounds me. ^_^

    ~Nicole @ www.shabbybeachnest.com


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}