
Forget Not {free printable}

This weekend Kelli & I enjoyed the yearly broadcast of the General RS Meeting via BYUTV eating brinner {breakfast for dinner... does anyone else do that?  Mmmmm.... highly recommended!} while the men tended the children and had an outdoor pool party/barbecue.  It was a wonderful meeting and we were so uplifted!

We specifically enjoyed watching listening to President Uchtdorf. {C'mon ladies, isn't he good lookin? I have heard him called the Silver Fox a time or two! lol}  Anyway his message really hit home for me as I am easily distracted and love how he worded his message... "Dedicating some of our time to studying the scriptures or preparing to teach a lesson is a good sacrifice. Spending many hours stitching the title of the lesson into homemade potholders for each member of your class may not be."  I know you laughed out loud with me at that one :)

I was playing around in PhotoShop and came up with this to display in my home as a constant reminder of what not to forget:

Click on the color to download your free printable:

Did you see the broadcast?  
Can't wait for General Conference next week!


  1. Love this, Kris. Good job. I'm gonna print up 2 for the girls I visit teach...they'll adore them (:

  2. Lovely. Thank you!

  3. Thank you. I just love this. Do you mind if I print out enough to give to all the sisters in our Relief Society? (I am in the RS presidency and think it would be a fun gift) I will let them all know where it came from ;) I just loved the conference too. (And I too laughed at the part about staying up all night making handouts too. The sister next to me looked at me and we both chuckled at each other...because it was a little too fitting for both of us)

  4. Long time stalker, first time commenter! I adore you and loved the Forget Not freebie! THANK YOU!! And, you well know that Pres. Uchtdorf is adorable! XOXO

  5. Thank you! Those are awesome! Man, that was a good talk.

  6. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Oct. 01, 2011. Thanks again.

  7. I love this! What a wonderful reminder of what life is really about! I am a firm believer that the gospel shouldn't only be for evangelism, but should be a daily reminder to those who are walking with the Lord of the sacrifice and love of our Savior! So thanks for sharing this on {Re}create Into Something New last week! I hope lots of people got to see it and think about the gospel and what it means for their life!

    Hope to see again tomorrow for another blog party at my place!

    Kaitlin-The Not So Simple Housewife


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