
Guest blogger: Cinnaberry Suite

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Today's guestie is the absolute hilarious Jennie from Cinnaberry Suite.  
Welcome m'dear!  
Check out her latest home decor projects:
1. Teacher gifts 2. Scoreboard 3. Mom blocks

And YUMMY treats. This girl has a serious love for chocolate.  And that, friends, is why we  her ;)
1. Deluxe choco-mallow brownies 2. P-nut butter pretzels  3. Triple chocolate oreo bars

She is just darling through 'n through- hope you all enjoy the post!
PS: Visit her FB here :)

Hey Lolly Peeps!  
I'm soooo exciting I'm here. Just a little star struck is all....oh man! {I hope I don't say something totally stupid and ruin this whole post.  I know, too late!} First off, I have to say, I just love Miss Kristi and Miss Kelli!  They have some of the meanest painting, baking,crafting, building, vinyling and Pinning skills, FO SHO!  How could you NOT love them, right?!  Thanks girlies for letting me be here, it really is an honor. 
I'm Jennie. 
{ I'm the one in the blue shirt with the heels, just so ya know.}

I am here from a little blog called Cinnaberry Suite.
As all my followers know, I am a total Domestic Goddess...Psshhh, yeah right, I wish!  I DO love to organize.  I especially love to stand back and drool over the beauty of order that only seems to last for about 5 minutes. Crazy kids!   I enjoy hunting for treasures in my garage or local garbage cans.  Watch out!  Creating something new from something old is definitely my most favorite thang. Love it!  Hmmm, what a perfect intro for this little baby. 
Headboard Bench
 I know this is like the 56,784,955th bench built in bloggy land! 
I know everyone has one and has made one for their dog. 
I haven't yet, so, get over it and be excited for me already! 

  I found this super cute twin head and foot board with frame in my friends driveway. 
I almost ran her over with my car. 
You never know when someone is going to decide to drag somethin' back into their house.  
Can you say free? Mmmm hmmm...love that!
 Okay, so I'm just going to give you a kinda how to.  I know you all are pros at this type of thing so don't judge.  It doesn't help that this girl thought it was gonna be a total disaster so she never took a single picture.
Here's what I used:
free headboard 
 two side rails
 old fence wood to make the seat of the bench. 
Old legs
umhmmm, excuse me, I'm mean old chair legs.
So, you take your little rails and attach them to the bed like you're going to put the mattress in.
Follow me?
Then you measure how deep you want the bench to be. 
 This is where I truly believed It was not going to turn out. 
Camera turned off.  Eeeek! 
 Cut the rails to the length you want.   Then, attach a piece to the front so you have a rectangle with three sides.    
 See?  Here is the front.  
.....cut the fence pieces to fit the top of the rectangle. 
Here's were I messed things up.  Good thing, no evidence... Whew! 
I went to screw the wood in and realized when I got to the back of my three sided rectangle that I needed a fourth side.  UGHHH... Annoying!
So when you make your 5,647,398th bench remember 4 sides are goooooddd. 
In comes another piece of railing screwed right into the frame. 
Wanna see the mess? 
It's like I'm showing you my undies drawer...embarrassing.
Here's the seat all finished.  Not too bad, right?
Last, my broken chair in the garage got it's legs re purposed.  A couple screws and there ya go!!
 My hubby was sweet enough to surprise me with it all painted in this pretty blue.  It goes perfect in my little girls room.  She loves it too.  Glad no one will ever see the back of it or under it. {shhh, don't tell.  Looks like someone missed a few spots;)}  Oopsy! Thanks Sweetie, you da bomb! One last look at the 5,467,389th bench in bloggy land. 
Hey Lolly Janers, you all can stop by and visit me anytime!! I would love to have you.  Thanks again girlies for letting me be here.   Hope you likie. 
Rock on sistahs...Smooches!   


  1. I love Jennie!! She is too cute and creative and funny and did I say creative already!! The bench is adorable!!!

  2. what?! I love this!! it's an original spin on the other 5,467,389 ones cuz it's got that kick-butt seat. bah ha hah!!-the "old legs" pic is HILAR!! you're awesome jen!! THANKS for guesting!! XO

  3. Yup I need this in my house. One in every room! What a sweet hubby, mine would NEVER do that! :/
    Love it! =)

  4. This girl is hilarious- love the old legs pic! Ha! Going to stop by her blog to say hey :-)

  5. AWWWW MAN!! You girlies make me feel so freakin' special! As for the seat, come on over and try it out! It's built like a Ford truck. Hold up, do Fords fall apart?! I don't know.... What I DO know is my girlies little bum fits just right on it. I have to thank them old legs for holding it up that's fo sho!! Love you girlies!


  6. SHOOT, Did I say THANK YOU?! Bad girl!! Thank you so much! :)

  7. I don't care how many times I see something, if yours is cuter, then I'm going to say so! AND... I love yours, it IS way cute!


  8. You're hilarious. I like you!


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