
Mail call!

Don't you love getting something fun in the mail?
Something like this?  

Were you part of the Craftaholics Anonymous Handmade Gift Exchange, too?  

You were?
What did you get???  

 my partner Ally- she is the cutest and I was so excited to receive my package of earrings & a darling clutch!  Kelli snagged 2 fro yo/soda cozies and 2 cute coin purses... fun stuff! 

We're actually making the craft I made for Ally later this month at our CrAfT*NiGhT for you AZ locals... details/pics to follow after our  playdate meeting with Kristyn from Lil Luna tomorrow ;)  
Stay tuned!

PS: Are you on our craft night mailing list?
Email us lollyjane@gmail.com if not!


  1. i was part of the exchange too. i got zebra print scissor case and matching pin cushion in a frame, and a handmade bar of soap. it was SO much fun! i can't wait for the next one.

  2. Sounds like so much fun! I was not part of it but would love to join in next time!!

  3. I better be on the email list for the craft night!! :) Let me know what I can do to help! XOXO!

  4. I did this too! So much fun! Gotta post my stuff to my blog (thanks for the reminder). I got a pretty handmade fabric necklace and a framed felt piece! :)


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}