
Happy Independence Day {features}

We went to a yummy family barbecue over the weekend: 
{I got a whole day with the hubbs before he got called out to work and we drove 2 1/2 hours back home! Hhmph!}

Anyway, I baked this expensive cake to make festive flag cake in honor of Independence Day:
{Recipe found HERE by Barefoot Contessa- thanks for the link, Kristin!}

While there, I spied Clella Belle's Beads 4th of July inspired creation by Cat:
{Darling!  See her other creations HERE}

I have no idea what Kelli is doing in Utah... 
Oh wait, there is the family decked out in Independence cheer!

Anyway, a LOT of you sported your red, white & blue projects at our Whatcha Got Weekend party! Yay!

Here are ALL of those cute creations for your viewing pleasure:
Thank you for linkin up!
Have a FABULOUS 4th!!!!
We  the USA!


  1. Oh em gee, Kristi...could your family be any more gorgeous?!?!?!?! Have a wonderful 4th, sweet face!

  2. wow that post mustve taken forever to write up!! good thing cor got called and so Lolly Jane wasn't neglected ;)
    miss ya sis!! xo

  3. ps: that cake looks like a biyatch to make....um, I mean it looks so pretty and not time consuming at all. you're too cute!

  4. Bah ah ha! Well you're on LJ duty when you get back ;) Have so much fun sis! xoxo

  5. Thanks for the feature! There's some really fun ideas for next year.

  6. you cake is gorgeous!! Looks so martha

  7. By the way, I love your revolving feature button. How did you do that?

  8. Anonymous7/04/2011

    seriously, SUCH a cute blog! love it!

  9. Thanks for featuring my doily banner! Lots of fun patriotic inspiration here. Your cake looks absolutely berrylicious! :)

  10. I always wondered how expensive that cake was to make. Thanks for all the great 4th of July inspiration. I have bookmarked most of them.

  11. Love all the 4th ideas! I hope it was a wonderful 4th for all of you. Love how you are all decked out

  12. So many great projects :) Hope you had a wonderful fourth of July too!

  13. Oh my gosh your flag cake looks absolutely delicious!! It looks so good I may make it even though the 4th is over! =)

    Also, thank you SO much for featuring my patriotic strawberries and 4th of July kids' shirts! You're amazing!


  14. Holy cow, that's a lot of red white and blue eye candy!!! I am so in love with it ALLLLLL! And that cake!?! UH-MA-ZING! What torture. :P


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