
WGW #7

Last weekend we attended...
gno button

It really was a fun night.

Remember the Pepper Place giveaway from last month?-meet the owner, Rach, far left.  She's a real life friend for nearly 15 years, love her.  In the middle of the Lolly Jane sandwich is the DARLING Jamielyn from I{heart}Naptime.  She's so sweet in person, greeting us with a warm hug.  It was good to meet her after being longtime followers of her cute blog!
Who doesn't know of & adore Shelley from House of Smith?  She has twins, we're twins...it was fate.  ;)  She's SO FUN in person!!

You know who else is HILARIOUS in person?  Char from Crap I've Made, seriously, she's SO DANG FUNNY...boo that we didn't get a table shot.  Between she & Cindy from Skip to my Lou, we were cracking up all night!!!

The swag bags were full of fun goodies like headbands, ribbon, flowers, etc.
We won this "little fattie" from Ribbon Retreat; it'll make a fun banner for my 8 year old's bedroom! (:
Big thanks to Steph & Kristyn for makin it happen, and Kendra too but we met her for the first time that night.  Creative Estates will be in SLC, UT next year...aka my 2nd home so I think Kris & I may be hoppin a plane for it since we missed out on this year's.  Fun stuff!

*Don't forget to enter the giveaway {here} for the cute Epic!

Now let's see WHATCHA GOT!  (:


  1. So much fun!! I am glad you ladies had such a good time. I am trying to see if I can make it to the Conference next year in Utah too :)

  2. I can't believe we didn't meet while we were there! :( That totally stinks!

  3. Hi, I'm a first time party goer here on your blog. Thanks for hosting.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting my first party week-end.. I have linked you to my new party page and have become a follower Can you follow me too !

  5. Thanks so much for hosting, ladies!

  6. Thanks for inviting me to link up. I'm a new follower =) A little shout out to AZ. I have family there...LOVE IT!

  7. Thanks so much for inviting me to your party :) I linked up my desk!

  8. Thanks for visiting FFL!

    So sad I missed Girls Night Out! Oh well maybe next time :)

    ancy Frugal Life

  9. Thanks so much for the invite. Have you seen all of the wonderful ideas linked up here??! :)

  10. Very cute blog here, girls! Thanks for inviting me to link up!

  11. Hi, thanks for stopping by - gladly here to link up! Thanks for hosting a fun party :)

    henry  happened

  12. Thanks for the invitation to link up. :) You have a super cute blog!

  13. Thank you so so much for hosting!! Love your blog!!! I'm a new follower!

  14. Thanks for inviting me to link up! Your blog is adorable!

  15. I am so sad that I was too chicken to buy a ticket and go to this thing. I am kicking myself and when I finally talked myself into going it was sold out. ugh! it looks like you had a BLAST! Cute pictures and I am so jealous. xoxo


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