

Stop by the Creation Corner {HERE} to see our latest decor tutorial :) 

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My husband told me "cheeps" isn't actually short for chocolate covered peeps but I told him that's a long post title so it makes sense to me.  He still doesn't get it.  lol 

So anyway!  Kelli's little 8 year old {remember THIS butterfly bday cake?} was baptized over the weekend {she wore the earrings I made, btw!} and Kell asked me to make something yummy for the luncheon treat with egg-mallows.  After going to 3 stores to find those dumb seasonal marshmallows with no luck, I gave into the peep craze 
and fully dunked those puppies {er, bunnies} into chocolate.

Melting chocolate . Food coloring . Lollipop sticks . Peeps . Wax paper . Sprinkles to decorate with :)

Melt chocolate. Add food coloring. Insert lollipop stick into peep:

Dip. Cool on wax paper. Decorate:

 Display. Eat. The end.

Because it was Friday date night, I didn't start on the cheeps until after 11 o'clock and was still working on them around midnight, when I apparently lost my mind because this little blue boy peep kept turning to face a little yellow girl peep when I wasn't looking.  No matter how many times I turned him to face straight like the others, he kept turning to her.  I think he was in love so, I documented their courtship:

 Pretty soon they were married and had a green baby!  
{Get it? Blue + Yellow = Green?} 
Okay so I really just dipped a green one to add to the happy family {go adoption!} and...... 

Ummm okay, is anyone else thinking Kristi from Lolly Jane is completely nuts?!  Ha ha.  I tell ya, I was SO tired...  do you late night craft after hubby/kiddo are asleep, too?  Well then, this could be YOU! lol ;)  Well anyway I got them done and they turned out pretty cute. Ry was pretty excited about the "baptism cheep" I made for her {all white} but, she still ate him.  Sorry, cheep!  

Happy Monday and please come back to read our blog.  
I promise I won't post about any other late night delusions while crafting ;)

Partyin here and also with:

PS: Don't forget to enter the Epic giveaway {here!}


  1. What a cute little idea! My girls love peeps and I know that they would go nuts over these. If i was so darn pregnant and miserable I'd make some. LOL And "cheeps" is a great name! ;)

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I love that these are called "Cheeps" its cracking me up!! You got a new follower =)

  3. What a great idea!! They turned out darling.

  4. Anonymous4/18/2011

    I don't like peeps but now I want to try this! ;) You guys are forcing me to eat somethign I don't like LoL

  5. SUCH CUTE YUMMY PEEP POPS. P.S. email me again with a spotlight post and I will get you spotlighted. winks-jen

  6. These are ADORABLE! I made a PEEPS suckers too this weekend ( a little different) but all the same, they are ALL so darn CUTE!!!! I love all your colors!

    Myself and 2 other great bloggers are hosting THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS and the theme this week is "EASTER COOKIES & TREATS" and I think this is a great recipe for that! We would love for you to stop on by and link up your recipe if you wish! Hope to see you there!!! :-)


  7. HA HA! Love these!!!!!!
    I'd love for you to share on the Glitter Blog link Party!

  8. These are adorable...LOVE them :)

  9. These are just so delightfully CUTE! ...so very sweet!

  10. Such a cute... and yummy... idea! And I totally understand about the late night projects - that's me pretty much every night!

  11. You know you are my fav blog right!
    I wanted to let you know that these have been Featured on Running With Glitters Friday Spotlight!!!
    Thank's for linking up this week!

  12. These are too cute! And I love the cheep love/family story! Haha!

  13. Adorable Idea!! Just saw you on the Mom's Crazy Cooking Hop! Stop on over at my blog and link up this tasty recipe in my Easter/Spring Recipe/Idea Hop! If you have others, feel free to link up! I'll keep it going for a few months so you should get some visits from it!!!


    Have a great weekend, SusieQTpies at Scraps of Life

    I'm following you on GFC & Facebook, now!!


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}