
Guest blogger: Lyndsey's Craft Spot

Super excited to introduce all of you to Lyndsey from Lyndsey's Craft Spot.  I first "met" her through an online swap group & then realized I knew her hubby from my college days.  {I know what you're thinking and NO, he & I never dated!}  ;)  She is darling & we are so excited she is here!  Thanks, Lynds!

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Hey bloggy friends.. can I just take a minute to say how seriously STOKED I am to be guest blogging at Lolly Jane. I think these girlies are amazing.. who doesn't right? Thanks for this chance to be a part of your coolness :)

Ok on to the good stuff:
I wanted to create a tutorial that would be SUPER easy.. so I came up with this:

The Cookie Sheet Easter Egg Countdown:

So here is a list of things you will need to gather to make one:
-a cookie sheet {I got mine from the dollar store}
- spray paint {totally optional-I wanted to add a little color.. you could also use scrap book paper to decorate your cookie sheet}
-modge podge
- 12 plastic easter eggs {again from the dollar store}
- 12 magnets {I get mine at Roberts because I can use the 40% off coupon and get them for around a $1.00}
- vinyl for the numbers and the words at the top..stickers would work fine too!!
-hot glue gun

Ok first thing I did was spray paint the cookie sheet- sorry I did not take a photo of this process.. but we all know how to spray paint right? Well don't ask my husband that question- he always asks me how I manage to get so much of it on me and I honestly have no idea!! :)

While the paint was drying I took my eggs and printed out some vinyl numbers-again stickers would also work for this part, or even a sharpie.

Then I hot glued a small magnet to the back of the egg, like so...

Here is my cookie sheet all pretty and painted. I used my Cricut to print out vinyl that I applied to the top. Stickers would work for this too, I have seen some really cute letter stickers at Michaels. But I won't lie to you, having a vinyl machine makes this part a lot easier.. hey Mother's Day is coming up, ladies :)

Then I just stuck the easter eggs on the cookie sheet and WAA LAA!!
I plan on filling the eggs with little activities that my kids can do to help them countdown the days until Easter. 

Here are a few fun ideas I came up with :

*Easter scavenger hunt
*Play pin the nose on the bunny
*Make a treat for neighbors
*Make tissue paper eggs
*Color Easter pictures
*Make Easter cards for Grandparents
*Play Hop Scotch
*Color Easter eggs
*Watch Bambi-it was the only Easter-ish movie I could think of!
*Easter egg hunt

Hope you enjoy my tutorial. I would love to see what ideas you creative girlies come up with!!

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Thanks again, Lyndsey!
Kristi and Kelli :)

*Don't forget to enter the EASTER BANNER giveaway!*


  1. That is adorable. Why not do an Easter advent calendar!?
    Stopped by from the Mid Week Mingle and glad I did. Have a good one!

  2. this is such a cute idea:) new hop follower, check me out at http://hugatreewithme2.blogspot.com whenever u can

  3. That is too darn cute! Finally a great idea for those stupid eggs......love it!

    Thank you for joining I ♥ Blogging Hop and adding us to our list we sincerely appreciate it.

    Craft blogs are my favorite, can't wait to poke around.

    Happy Spring!

  4. Hi! I'm already following you! These are very cute easter eggs!!

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands!

  5. Is it tacky if I comment lol- well too bad I can't stop myself!! Thanks again girlies!! ;)

  6. That is just way too cute! And really doesn't look too hard. I just may actually do this. ;) Especially if I can find a cookie sheet at the dollar store...

  7. LYNDS....I LOVE her! She is SERIOUSLY one of my bestestestest bloggy sistahs! This is SUPER cute and I'm SO not surprised. Rock on girlie! Great job!

    Jennie {CInnaberry Suite}

  8. You know what i just love about lydsey?! She always makes the CUTEST stuff for so CHEAP! Lyndsey your awesome! This is so CUTE Awesome Job:)

  9. not it's NOT tacky to comment, lynds! you're getting lots of good feedback, good choice!! LOVE this project. the word for you is CLEVER!-you're so creative! thanks for guest blogging, girl! (: kelli & kristi

  10. New follower from Thirsty Thursday, would love a return follow. HAGW!

  11. i would love to make this.

    I am following you (suelee1998) from the blog hop, you have a great site. Would you please follow me back? http://susansdisneyfamily.blogspot.com/
    thank you :)

  12. Hi, I am a new follower and can't wait to read more of your blog. I love this countdown.



  13. Thanks for commenting on my blog. In reference to your most recent post, how I wish it were SPRING in northern Utah. As I type this is it snowing:(

    I really need to do a countdown to Easter. Asher keeps asking if it's Easter time yet, then he sees the snow and goes, "oh man!!!" I love three year olds:)

  14. Adorable!!!!! I love it!!

  15. I absolutely adore this idea and have posted a link to it from my blog: marcicoombs.blogspot.com

    Thanks for sharing!

  16. I LOVE this!!!!! I shared it with my Facebook fans. I would love to make one of these for my kiddos :)

  17. Roxanne4/03/2011

    Love it! but since I'm too lazy to get a cookie sheet and spray paint it, I'm just going to put the eggs on my fridge. Maybe make a little sign out of paper that they all sit on top of to frame it out. Love to have a use for those extra eggs!

  18. LOVE this idea! Thank you so much for sharing!

  19. Merci
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