
Butterfly Cake

I'm anti store-bought cakes and insist on making my hubby and 4 kids their own cake each year.
I saw this idea on the back of an M&M bag and knew it'd be perfect for my daughter's 8th birthday party.

Let me tell you, this cake is a beginner level for cake decorating skills but is veteran level for T I M E... it took a good hour to decorate this baby!  Consider this your official warning ;)

Here's my DIY for this pretty little cake:
box cake mix . tub of frosting . round cake pan . 2 bags of Easter M&M's

Step 1: Gather supplies. Step 2: Mix cake mix according to box directions. Step 3: Pour into circle pan. Step 4: Allow to cool. Step 5: Cut circle cake in half. Step 6: Put cake back-to-back. Step 7: about 2" above bottom of cake, cut 1" triangle out, on both pieces of cake. Step 8: Frost cake.
Step 9: Get creative & decorate a mosaic pattern onto your new butterfly cake! {Notice mine has an "8" on each side for her 8th bday?} Oh! I used Bubbletape then twisted it for fun antennas!

PS: I made an extra batch of mix so I could bake matching cupcakes for her guests :)

{Linky lovin here!}
*Don't forget about our current giveaway*


  1. This looks yummy!! Of course how could anything covered in m&m's not look yummy!?!! I am your newest follower from Thirsty Thursday. I'd love for you to follow back at KylaKreates. Thanks!

  2. First - I LOVE this cake! I LOVE ideas that are as beautiful and creative as they are delicious! I am bookmarking this to try in the future!

    Second - thank you so much for joining me at Create With Joy! I am DELIGHTED to discover your blog - it is so full of wonderful ideas - I am following you back and look forward to being a regular visitor here!

    I have added your WGW party to my list of blog hops to visit as well!

    Have a fabulous week!


  3. This looks great! Nice job!

    new follower from the hop
    I would love a follow back :)


  4. Thanks for showing it! I've always wondered what it would look like in real life. :)

  5. This looks yummy. Thank you for the directions, just may have to try it myself one day.
    Following you back from Fab Friends Thursday blog hop.
    Thank you for stopping by.

  6. I am the one who keeps the stores bakery in buisness. My cakes never turn out a 10th that cute!! Love it I might have to try it! Thanks for visiting the Mingle with Us Hop! Already a huge fan and follower ;)


  7. What an adorable cake, I love it, my little girls is obsessed with butterflies, so I know she would go crazy over this cake! I am glad we found eachothers blogs!


  8. Too cute! And except for the long time factor - it really does look easy. Too bad I only have boys in my house - I'll have to figure out a way to change it slightly to be for boys. :)

  9. Can we say AMAZING! Great job!

  10. Love it! Great job and Miss R is one lucky girl to get such an amazing cake!

  11. Wow! You are so creative!Hi there! New follower from the blog hop. Great blog you have! Hope you could follow me back. Thanks!:)

  12. your cake turned out sooooo darlin! i am impressed and could never {have the patience} to do that. i'll stick with store bought! or i will make u make them for me :)

  13. That is adorable!! It turned out so cute and I bet it was super yummy too! Thanks for linking up!

  14. Very cute! I'll have to show this to a friend who is planning a butterfly party for her daughter.

  15. Anonymous3/24/2011

    It is so cute! Good job!

  16. Love this cake, I bet it was a huge hit at the party!

  17. Thanks a million for coming back and linking up a CHOCOLATE recipe! We have so many SWEET treats; I hope you had a chance to look around. And next week we are doing “SECRET INGREDIENTS”; so we hope you come back by and link up something “sneaky” that you add to a recipe.


  18. I love, love, love this cake!! I wish I could do something like this but unfortunately my creative skills DO NOT carry over into cooking, baking, or cake/muffin decorating.

  19. Too cute and very do-able! I think I'm going to try it for my best friend's birthday this week! :)


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