
LJ Giveaway @ Whippycake!

Our bud Becki is the owner of the darling shop
that makes these pretties.
She's gotten oh~so~popular that she's getting ready to launch her new site. Eek!! 
So everyone else can join in the fun, she's having a BLaStOfF party! Let's win some Lolly Jane goods, shall we?
Check it out HERE.

As a heads up, here are her party rules:
1. Become a fan and follow Lolly Jane's blog and/or Facebook.
2. Become a fan and follow Whippy Cake's blog, Facebook and/or Twitter.
3. Leave comment on Whippy Cake's post stating what you love about Lolly Jane.

For extra entries, you can blog tweet and/or facebook about the giveaway and leave a comment with the link!
(The fineprint: Extra entries only qualify if they have a link.)
Original idea & tutorial for apothocary jar seen HERE.

Remember the last day to enter these FAB giveaways is 7.30.2010!
Good luck :)


  1. well a hour later i am back!! great blog, great ideas, plan on going back to check out more. I love the pink, living in a house of all boys when we built my salon in the house I knew it had to be pink!! My own room of girliness! Lolly Janes goodies would look great in there!! I already follow you and now follow them too....plus a few others:)

  2. oops i think i posted on your blog and not whippycakes! :)

  3. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving that sweet comment. I love your blog and return the favor =)

  4. I just found your blog, it's great! I was wondering if you could share some of the fonts you use with your vinly? They all look great! Thank YOU for giving me some new ideas!

  5. Ok, sign me up! I am delighted and have just signed up to follow your blog!
    Have a good evening~

  6. I follow you both now- thanks for linking up to chalkboard party!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}