
Shamrock ombre specimen art

We loved our Valentine ombre specimen art but since St. Patrick's Day is quickly approaching, we had to change it out to reflect the green holiday:

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Want to make your own shamrock ombre specimen art?

1. Snag some green paint chips in different hues from the paint section of your local home improvement store, {or Walmart where I got mine.} Cut them up by hue. 
2. I originally used a heart punch for the Valentine art but the shamrocks looked too chubby so I simply drew a heart on the back of a chip, cut it out and then in half to make a pattern.  Fold each paint chip in half, trace the half heart 3x's and cut out: you now have some cute dimensional hearts.  Repeat, repeat, repeat... ;)
3. Start hot glueing hearts in 3's {forming a shamrock} in rows by hue.  I snagged a few sticks off my tamarack tree to create a stem for my shamrocks and simply glued them in between the 3 hearts.   
4. Frame your art in a cute funky frame and display with your current St. Patrick's Day decor:
Pictured with our {free} St. Patrick's subway art, glitter shamrock bannerLUCKY sign & our easy Irish wood block

Do you decorate for Paddy's Day?

We'll be linking to these fun parties this week!


  1. I like it even better than the Valentine version. So cute!

  2. Love it! I usually am not a huge fan on St Patty's decorations, but this on is so beautiful! Not scary Leprechaun at all! (I'm sure I am showing my age here, but those movies really freaked me out when I was little)!

  3. Oh my heck I love how this turned out!!! Green is my fav color, and I love that dark olive. I definitely need to get the glass out of my frame and make something 3D like this.

  4. Super cute!!! I hope you didn't burn yourself on those little hearts. ♥ We don't decorate much for St. Paddy's Day. Maybe when the boys get older we'll do more. Love this project! :)

  5. I never would have thought to use three hearts to make a clover! GENUIS!!

  6. This was so clever- and totally darling! I love that it's ombre!
    xo, Becca

  7. way way wayyyyy too cute!!! Seriously. :o) ps I like that frame too!!!

  8. Ombre + paint chips = fantastic! I know how time-consuming it would be to cut all your little pieces out which makes me appreciate this project even more. I wish I could get my hands on a frame like that, too. So glad I found this through your visit to my blog :)

    - Claire @ alittlesomethinginthemeantime.blogspot.com

  9. This idea is so great! I'm loving all the ombre around...what a great use for paint chips.

    Found you through Sarah's trade school. Love the pop top hangers, too.

    Thanks so much for the inspiration,

  10. I absolutley HEART this!!!! So easy and sooo cute. I saw your trade school post over at "Adventures of our Fami-ly" and I love your blog. New follower and I cant wait to see what comes next!!!

  11. Ombre is so hot right now! Awesome artwork - I would proudly display that on my mantel. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Ho cool! I haven't tried anything Ombre yet, but you make me want to!! Saw you at My Happy Fami-ly. Nice job teaching class! Following you now via GFC.

  13. I love love love how this turned out!! It's been pinned. And, I'll try to figure out stumble so I can stumble it, too! :)

  14. How clever - I would leave this up all year round!

    Kelly @ herringbone lane

  15. Visiting from the Adventures of Our Family! Awesome idea....that glitter party looks like a blast, too :)


  16. So incredibly gorgeous! I would love to have your talent at my Springtime Holiday Link party going on now! Would you be willing to link up some of your amazing St. Patrick's day posts? Thanks, Michelle http://michellepaige.blogspot.com/2012/02/springtime-holiday-link-party.html

  17. This artwork turned out great! I hope you'll link some of your great St. Patty's Day projects up to my St. Patty's Day Project Parade if you haven't already!


  18. Never seen an OMBRE specimen art!! Love!

  19. This is so pretty and creative!

  20. I {LOVE} this! I'm gonna have to pin it! I found your blog through the Shady Porch Rock 'n Share party and I just love it.

  21. So cute! And I love that you used paint chips!

  22. That is so cute! Great use of the paint chips to achieve the ombre effect! Thanks for sharing at the Rock 'N Share!

  23. Love this so much I'm featuring it from last week's Handmade Tuesday's party. Congratulations!

  24. Perfection! I'm featuring you tomorrow!!! XO, Aimee

  25. Saw this over on It's Overflowing. Gorgeous!


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