
Quick & easy burritos...and dog shaped treats {what?!}

I don't consider myself a natural cook, or even a good cook for that matter.  But I TRY!  That counts, right?? 

I MADE UP my own recipe tonight, yes ME, I really did!
  I'm usually too wussy and follow exact recipe directions.  
{Let me clarify: I can bake pretty darn well, but not cook... see? I'm not a totally worthless wife!}

Wanna try it? 
{If ya do, honest feedback, por favor!}

1 cup of salsa.2 cans of canned beef.1 box of Rice-A-Roni Mexican Style.2 cups of water

In a crock pot, throw in all ingredients {even the seasoning packet that comes in the rice}, stir it around real quick & 3 hours later = dinner.is.served.  
Yes friends, it's THAT easy.

We spooned it into tortillas for burritos, toppings optional.    My family LOVED it... seriously, all F O U R of my kids ages 1-8 scarfed it!  
PS: canned chicken can be substituted.

For dessert I thought it'd be fun to use up some of the Chocolate Rice Crispy cereal that was Buy-1-Get-1-Free....
Uhhhh.........mistake much?!
That was SUPPOSED to be a bunny for Easter, get it?  

My mom came in and said, "Is that supposed to be your dog?"
Meet my Boston Terrier, Lola.  
Now stop laughing!!

Oh, and I officially take back what I first said about baking decently too... ;)


  1. HA! That does look like Lola! ;)

  2. thanks a lot, kris!! :/

  3. Yum! Sounds great! And it does kind of look like your dog but still super cute. :) - maybe your dog just looks like a bunny ;)

  4. HILARIOUS! ;-) ps: the burro looks YUMMY!

  5. HILARIOUS! ;-) ps: the burro looks YUMMY!

  6. HAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!! It DOES kinda look like the dag... It must be the eyes... :)
    I see the bunny, though. I'm with you on this one.

  7. hee hee! i agree, it must be the eyes!
    katie @ crafty chicks


  8. Lola is so stinkin' cute that I'd take it as a compliment, if I were you! Thanks for the giggles :)

    Betsey at b.bar


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