
Did you find out...

...what you were having?

The big 18 week appointment is quickly approaching and when the ultrasound tech asks me if we want to know what gender our little peanut is, I plan to say no and have it be a surprise on D-Day! {Deliver Day}  I know some people think waiting is completely crazy but since this is a little miracle baby and may be our only pregnancy, I'm not sure if we'll be able to experience it again and would love to wait 'n see.... :) 

BUT, the other part of me would love to keep it a secret only until we're with family & friends and announce during the Thanksgiving weekend at dinner or something?  

Ah, decisions decisions!

What did YOU do? 
Find out or wait?

Our cousin recently told her tech to write the gender down and put it in an envelope so she could open it with her husband and the tech wrote it on the FRONT of the envelope! D'oh! She was so bummed! 
Maybe I should do a cute printable our tech can pull out of the envelope and circle BOY or GIRL and seal it?

I created a little poll to see what you mommas or mommas-to-be would say.  Help a sista out & vote! ;) 
Thank you thank you thank you!


  1. Of course I found out - I think people who don't have 1) tons of patience and 2) are crazy :)

    There's decorating to do and I'm a control freak!

    Also we were having twins so I needed to know even more!

    go on... find out!

  2. Congratulations, and what a decision. For our first one we did not find out, for our boy it was pretty obvious, and we found out on our third.

    But I really liked the surprise. IF I have another one I want it to be a surprise. I think this is one of life's only true surprises.

    Good luck!


  3. My first was a boy and my second a girl, so we decided to not find out on the third. We already had everything for both. But we both already felt like it was another girl. We didn't even go to the hospital with a boy name. So, it wasn't really a fun, big surprise when she was born. I've had two more since and we found out with each one. I think it's fun to find out whenever you find out, but for me I think you have so much joy and happiness just meeting your little one, that it's nice to spread some excitement to the rest of the pregnancy too.

  4. Congratulations! I have a few friends who waited, but for me, I could NEVER wait! Especially knowing that the information is right there, the ultrasound tech knows, but to not ask?! I guess I like knowing what to expect :-) But it could be exciting to find out on the big day . . . if you can stand 9 months of suspense!

  5. I'm like you, Nikki! I found out on my 3rd since I had one of each anyway. But then I was slightly sad he wasn't a girl, lol, so we found out on our 4th because I KNEW it was a girl, and she was ;)

    Don't do it, Kris! Carlee is right, this is one of life's true surprises!

    Once you know, you can't un-know. But I KNOW you...you hate surprises!!

  6. I found out with all three- I just couldn't NOT know. I'm kind of a planner.....

    I LOVE the idea of just waiting for awhile and finding out with family and friends- reminds me of a mission call!

    Congrats again- can't wait to hear what you decide to do.

  7. I'm a planner. I HAD to find out with both of my boys. There was never any question about it! :) Do what feels right to you. I've seen some SUPER fun ways to find out at the same time as family and friends (before the birth).

  8. Honestly either way is fun! If you find out you get to have 5 months of excitement planning and buying up every boy/girl thing in sight! Or you can wait and have your fun surprise and then take a whiny new baby out shopping for his/her clothes that you didn't have prepared ahead of time. LOL ba ha ha I am evil and trying to get you to find out so I can start buying cute clothes ahead of time.

    Really though Kris either way is really fun. The moment Siena came out and Todd announced, "It's a GIRL!" was so very special and def surprising (thought she was a BOY for sure!) But planning for Trey man ahead of time was just as fun but in a diff way. So my advice to you is GOOD LUCK in figuring this one out LOL ;)

  9. I have 5 and I found out with 3 of them. I LOVED it both ways!! I think everyone should NOT find out at least once!! It is really really cool on "D" day when baby comes out, the anticipation and excitement in the room is so much more as everyone is waiting to see what it is! So cool!! And seriously how can you be disappointed when you are holding a BABY?? It is really very cool! I vote for you to definitely NOT find out this time!! You can do it! Stay strong girl!! From one fellow booty sister to another!! =) hehe

  10. I'm not patient enough to wait. I have to find out...but then I worry the next few months if they were right or not! hehe :) Congrats!

    Ginger @ gingersnapcrafts.com

  11. Ohhhh so I am NOT a pro at this one since I don't have any little ones yet, buttttt I would say that at this point I would want to know---thank about all of the fun decorating and crafting you can do ahead of time if you know!!!! Ohhhh I think that would convince me to find out! :o) But I love the idea of doing the "finding out" part in a special way!!!

    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  12. You should tell the tech to send me a text message and let me know, because even if you don't want to know, I still do.

  13. Also, Sandy's comment was really funny.

  14. Our little man will be here mid January. We couldn't wait. I HAD to know.... just for the sake of not ending up with all yellow and green clothes and a generic nursery. I think if we have a girl next go round, then baby #3 (if there is one) will be a surprise. Can't wait to see what you choose!

  15. With our first baby we asked the Tech to write it down and seal it in an envelope because we couldn't decide if we wanted to wait or not. Turns out we couldn't wait so we peeked! But we didn't tell A SINGLE PERSON that we looked and let everyone else be surprised when our daughter was born. It was fun being creative with decorating and I felt like once I saw her I was able to decorate to match her...if that's possible with a newborn :)
    Our 2nd was a whole different story. We found out right away because I needed to know if I needed to get boy stuff or continue storing the evidence of my shopping addiction! Turns out we had another girl :)

  16. Either way it's a surprise!! :)
    We had planned on not finding out with our first but then at that appt we were in the waiting room for over an hour and totally talked ourselves into it ("We could find out right NOW what we're having.")
    Then for all the next ones we had to find out... kept wanting to see if we could buy pink. However, we ended up with a basketball team - so no girly colors for us. :) I do think if we had had one of each, then we probably wouldn't have found out...
    I think you should find out and then do a big fun announcement with the family. Then you'll have two big fun days to share baby news.

  17. I didn't find out with my first baby and it made for a fun delivery! However, I think it would be fun to have the tech write it and seal it, then you can wrap it up and put it under the Christmas tree. Then you and your hubby can open it on Christmas morning and then share the news with family by making some sort of dessert that is either pink or blue. Just an idea! Hopefully your little peanut will cooperate and keep his/her legs uncrossed!!

  18. I have two children and did not find out gender either time. It was the best, most memorable, precious moment of my life. I am also a labor and delivery nurse and there is just something so special about a couple waiting to and finding the gender out at delivery. I usually suggest for the doctor to turn the baby to the father of the baby (husband) and then let the father of the baby tell you if it is a boy or girl. It gives them a special role! Good Luck in your decision ;-)

  19. So here's my two cents: There was no way I wouldn't find out, but that's *just me.* You make a good case for why you'd want to wait with this little miracle possibly being your one and only pregnancy experience. I think that no matter what anyone else says, you need to do what *you and C* think is right! You are the ones who'll be living with the decision. :)

  20. I have 3 boys. We found out on our middle son, but not the other 2. LOVE not knowing!!! So much more fun (to me) than knowing!

  21. Anonymous11/11/2011

    I wanted to know with all of my kids.I would have gone crazy not knowing. I am just not that patient.

  22. I didn't know you were preggers! How exciting!!! :) Congratulations!! That's always such a tough question. I found out with all 3 of mine. With my 2nd I was all set that I was NOT going to find out but then my MIL got really sick and we decided to find out so that we could tell her. She wound up passing away a few weeks before my ultrasound but then I already had my mind set to find out......so I did. lol With my last little guy, I talked myself out of NOT finding out and we found out. If you are able to hold out and wait, I would totally be surprised when you deliver! :)

  23. Then again, if you do find out you can pray for your baby by name. :)

  24. Congratulations! Is this your first baby? If so, I say wait! i waited with the first one because it makes it much more worth hearing the news boy/girl after you go thru all that labor. After the first one i decided I needed to know. I couldnt wait!

  25. Congratulations!!! I found out on all three ~ couldn't wait to start nesting!!! :) I'm so happy for you and am crossing my fingers you find out and share!!! I'm done so I can live vicariously through you!!!

    Aimee @ ItsOverflowing.com

  26. My pregnancy was full of surprises, so I definitely wanted to find out! :o)

  27. Wow we are LOVING the diversity, ladies! Each answer is as unique as a new baby, lol, so many choices!! Do we wait and announce for Christmas? Do we tell only Kelli?? (she says "YES!") Do we find out and keep it a secret? All we know is according to the poll above...you all want me to find out...we'll see ;)

  28. I found out with each one...I had to! But with DD 2 I had the Dr. Write it down in an envelope I had all cutsied. I put it in DH's stocking and we opened on Christmas eve at diner with the family. It was special & very fun!

  29. Anonymous11/12/2011

    I found out my 2 girls, but we made it special each time. The first time, We had the tech write it down and seal it, we gave it to our baker and she made a cake (either blue or pink on the inside) with white frosting. We had all our family over and cut into the cake and it was pink, so fun to find out this way but still plan ahead. The second time we had the tech write it down, seal it and gave it to my friend who filled a large box with balloons,(pink or blue of course) we had lots of family over and had help from our 2 yr old to open the box and pink balloons flew up to fill the sky. I hate not knowing so this was fun and made us feel surprised!

  30. Don't do it!! I am a finder-outer, but I *wish* I had the patience to wait and see.

  31. Wow, that is a tuff decision. I have to find out. I am too much of a planner and I want to make and create while the baby is inside of me and I have some energy (haha) But, I do think it would be fun to wait...I can totally see the delema. I have to say I love all your cute ideas for telling family if you go that route. Plus, I love that you have a tally going! You are so fun. I love that we get to share little bits of this special pregnancy with you.

  32. PS and I vote girl :)

  33. I LOVE Sandee's post. She is such a nut but I am right there with her. I have zero patience so I could never wait. I am dying right now because I can't find out for 5-6 more weeks!!!! I am soooo jealous of you finding out soon. I hope you do find out and share with us what your babes is going to be. Can't wait!!!
    P.S. Bummer on Yuma. At least they have good Mexican food!


  34. Tasha M11/14/2011

    I definitely say wait. It is so much fun that way. We did not find out with our first. My husband insisted we find out with our second and when we left the doctors office, he was a bit disappointed. It is like sneaking open your Christmas present and then having to act surprised when you get to open it on Christmas Day. And so we did not find out with our third and that is just the way it should be! In my humble opinion.

  35. I would totally wait and be surprised!! It is one of those great life adventures and it gives you the fun of looking at both boy and girl names! I vote for waiting.


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}