
Friends don't let friends decorate badly.

So we were at our friend Kristyn's the other day for a playdate and noticed a sign in her front room that made us look twice... but not in a good way:

 How do you tell a dear friend, who is also the author of a popular craft blog, that a sign hanging in her home is not-so-cute?  Do you bluntly tell her and beg her to let you redo it OR wait until she gets sick of hearing you hint at it and finally says "Well redo it then, Lolly Jane!"

So that's just what we did :)
We're nice like that...
friends don't let friends decorate badly! 
Note: The rest of Kristyn's house is plain CUTE... just for the record :)

After snagging this sign from its beloved home, we coated it in white {left the edges black} freehanded a more modern sun {the words are lyrics from a Beetles song that Kristyn 's so we kept the sun theme} cut a stencil from our vinyl machine painted the sign in whites, yellows and blacks and sanded it down for the same look as her old sun art:

Ah, much more refreshing
wouldn't you say?

We had to laugh when her husband, as we were walking back to our car with the original sign in hand, admitted to his cute wife he didn't like the decor either! Ha ha.
Sorry that you were outnumbered Kristyn ;)

Speaking of her sweet husband, he treated us to dinner this week and we did some shopping afterwards... 
Cruddy iPhone pic but gotta  the cute Halloween masks in Kirkland Home :)
And that Kristyn entertains our kiddos on Skype:

Anyway, you can tell us... are we wrong?
Or would you let your friend keep decor that doesn't go with the rest of her cute house?

Disclaimer: This post was NOT to tell everyone Kristyn had an ugly sign {lol} BUT simply to demonstrate an easy fix! ;)

Linkin up {here}


  1. ha ha.
    i love it!
    can you come over to my house?!? (it's a quick trip!)

  2. ha ha ha ha ha!!! I am laughing so hard! I love that you guys told Kristyn that her sign was ugly! That is TRUE friendship! I love it!
    I am in love with the makeover too! It is so darling!!! How about you com to my house and bring me the same sign!! :) Deal??

  3. Shut the Front door! You guys are Hillarious, great job on the "intervention". But it makes me nervous to let you come to my house ;0)

  4. I am never letting you come to MY house!! haha!!

  5. Hilarious! You don't want to come over here! There is a lot that needs to be done!

  6. Love it! Just love it! You guys are the best! Now, bring me back my new sign - haha! :D XO

  7. Haha! That's awesome. I do like the new sign lots better. I definitely wouldn't be as blunt as you, but I also wouldn't have any clue on how to make things cuter. :)

  8. LOL! That is stinkin hilarious! I love you both!! True friendship indeed...

  9. At first glance, I thought the first sign (the one you re-did) was the before. I thought, "I can't believe they would have a problem with that." Now I see.

  10. Haha! I'm with Michelle. I saw the first one and was thinking, "What's wrong with that? Apparently I know nothing about decor if they think that's ugly." Now I get it. But I still don't think I'd want you in my house. :)

  11. I LOVE honesty, even if it's brutal, I can take it!! Will you please come to my house and "check it out:)"
    The sign is much improved I do have to say!! Great job ladies!!

  12. haha, thanks everyone. kristyn's house really IS adorable and we love that girl to pieces.

    and for the record, we would LOVE to come critique your house. afterall, our catch phrase is "helping you spruce up your space" heehee! ;)

  13. So much cuter, you are such a good friend :)

  14. I love this redesign! I featured you on my {friday finds} post today!


  15. Anonymous9/23/2011

    YOu would think my house i terrible! I am living in a rental and just haven't felt the want to really decorate. I have put two shelves and that about it.

    I love that sign.

  16. LOL! You guys are so darn awesome. Sorry, Kristyn-girl, but I have to agree w/K & K...the old sun kinda gave me the creeps (smile), but the new sign is spot-on perfect! You three are the cat's pajamas...

  17. So funny ... the revised sign really is way better. Love the post!

  18. you are totally right - that was kinda awful :) Very nice of you to redo!!

  19. Thank you for letting me feature you! The "new" sign looks great.
    Looks like FUN at Kirklands...I do that too LOL

    I'm your newest follower too!

  20. What would we do without sisters to help us out? My sisters "helps" me all the time. Almost as much as I "help" her! Great redo! Have a happy weekend!


  21. Love this post! It actually made me laugh out loud. :)

  22. It looks so much better! Thank you for sharing at Simply Creations Link Party!


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}