
Homemade dilly bars

We made the perfect summer treat today:

When I was a kid I loved going to Dairy Queen and watching them make the dilly bar by hand... I was fascinated with how fast the shell would harden.  They were soooo good!

Today dilly bars come pre-packaged :(

Anyway I recently spied some cherry chips at the supermarket and snagged them up, dreaming of the DQ worker plunging my vanilla ice cream into the cherry topping and thought I could replicate it.  Since I already had chocolate chips at home, I snagged a bag of butterscotch chips and skipped away... dilly bars come in 3 flavors you know: cherry, butterscotch & the classic chocolate.  
Since they're a trio we had to make ALL the flavors ;)

To make your own dilly bars, 
you'll simply need vanilla ice cream, a pie pan, chips & a few tongue depressors.

Be prepared to have patience and lots of it!

1. Spoon ice cream into pie pan and let harden.
Wait 1 hour or until ice cream is firm.
2. Once ice cream is hard, use round cutter* and insert tongue depressor.
*Or something similar; thank you Pampered Chef measuring cup!
More waiting... about 30 mins.
3. Separate chips into bowls.
4. Melt chips, {I put in microwave for 30 seconds, stir, repeat until it's smooth.}

Dash those dreams of dipping like the old pro's because I have NO idea how DQ does it {my ice cream melted & the shell wouldn't stay put. Boo.} 

You'll have to settle for the Lolly Jane way:
5. Insert tongue depressor into ice cream & spread a thin layer of melted chips on wax paper and put the ice cream bar on top.  
6. Work fast and simply pour the melted chips on the bar until it's covered and rush frantically place the bars back into the freezer.  If you want to add the classic dilly bar swirl, now's the time to do it- just take a spoonful of the melted chips and pour into a swirl shape. Easy peasy!

Those puppies get hot so wait at least 2 hours until the ice cream re-freezes inside the bars.
Note: We cut off the excess hardened shell to make it look more like a dilly bar vs. a melted pile of delicious flavored chips.  To do this we used a warm knife and it worked like magic!

Last step, give to happy kids :)
Gotta love Delaney's lipstick stained face ;)

If you have any tips for ice cream dipping, we'd love to hear it!

Linking up {here & here} this week!


  1. This look delicious. How fun!


  2. They look really good! Might be easier to use Magic Shell or homemade magic shell:


  3. Anonymous8/01/2011

    looks yummy!!

  4. YUMMY! I love dilly bars:) i remember when i was a kid they seemed so BIG and now they are so small:/ Our dairy queen still makes them by hand tho (yay!) i love them! Im going to feature these on my blog i MUST make these:)

    1 stick butter
    1/2 cup milk choc. chips
    1/2 cup semi-sweet choc. chips
    Melt and put over ice cream.

    I suppose this recipe would work for your dilly bars, too. Good Luck.

  6. My first job was at a Dairy Queen and I recall making many-o-Dilly Bars. They were so good! I loved the butterscotch. Thanks for this great tip to make them myself.

  7. I live in AZ and I need to know what store you found the cherry chips in so I can pick some up!

  8. Thank you for the suggestions, ladies! Who knew there was homemade magic shell?! Whoo hoo!

    PS: Rachel, I left a comment on your blog but for anyone else wondering.... we found the cherry chips @ Walmart by the other flavors. Happy baking :)

    xo- Kristi @ LollyJane

  9. When I worked at DQ 10 years ago, we would hand dip them, let them freeze in the big freezer and then package them. I don't know what they're doing now, since I worked there for 2 years.. I'm about burnt out on DQ.

    The best way I can tell you to dip ice cream it a crockpot. Your dipping sauce needs to be really thin and hot. You need to add some butter to your chips. Good luck hun!! These look super yummy!

  10. I'm a former DQ employee too :) I was also going to suggest trying to heat the chips in a crock pot and thin them out with some butter or cream or something. If you want more of the classic DQ look, I'd also suggest melting or softening your ice cream more and putting it in a zip top (or pastry) bag and squeeze it out onto a cookie sheet or something. Your idea works great too though. To dip you have to be quick. We were taught to dip it once, give it a second to harden a little bit and dip again.

    What a fun summer treat! :)

  11. You girls are SO creative!!!!! Next time share with ME :)

  12. Yummmmmm! I want a dilly bar now!

  13. Those look seriously delish! I think I should have invited ourselves over to eat them with you guys! :D

  14. oh my goodness! it's a good thing that i did not see this post earlier in the day. it would have made my weight watchers point tracking to right out.the.window. because i would have had to make them. they look soooo yummy!!

    oh and my new blog design was inspired by your pretty blog. :) hope it's not too copy-cattish. lol


  15. Oooo. I love dilly bars! These look delicious and like a fun project with an awesome reward at the end!

    I would love for you to link these up at my Savvy HomeMade Monday party that is still going on at:


    I am a new follower!

  16. How fun and perfect. They look so good and the children are precious. What a fun treat. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  17. Yummy! And how easy!

  18. So totally clever! We love Dilly bars and get them every time we go to DQ =o)

  19. I have never heard of a dilly bar before. I will have to try these. If you get a chance I would love you to link your dilly bars up to More the Merrier Monday. It starts tonight and lasts through Wednesday. See you there. http://diyhshp.blogspot.com/

  20. So I just made these for my daughter over Christmas break. I went to the thrift store and purchased one of those tiny crock pots, put the chips and butter inside. I put my ice cream into a rubber cupcake mold and froze until stiff, put the stick in and dipped away. The ice cream did get a little melty but they turned out great!


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}