
Husbands, sheesh!

Last night I attended a fun dinner date with Kristyn, Katie, Kristy & Kelli {duh} and left earlier than planned due to a phone call from the hubby, "...the baby is crying... when are you going to be home?"  I rushed back to the house to find a perfectly adorable, pudgy SLEEPING child.
Awww, c'mon!

For the record, my husband is an  A M A Z I N G  dad.  He really is... I was kinda worried about that since we had been married for 7 years and he was the big Three-Oh before our son was born but as soon as his eyes locked on that baby, he was completely smitten and an insta-pro.
Why yes, that IS a Grateful Dead tee my child is sporting! :-/

So sitting in a then-quiet house I pondered the question Katie asked us at dinner, "Are you attending the Snap! conference?"

Well, are you?
Oh, she was talking to us?  Oops ;)
We are currently undecided.

For a few reasons but mostly: family.
At what point does blogging, aside from the during naptime/late night posts, tutorials, editing, commenting, etc., take away from our families?  Is it just us that are nervous to fly or drive hours away from our homes {our domain, really, where we are the queens and run everything} and leave our children to fend for themselves with our husbands?  I personally know my son will be A-OK with his dad but last night's said phone call worried me and I was only 15 minutes away.

So what do you think OR what would you do?
Is it hard for you as a blogger to balance blogging & your family AND how the heck do you find time for EVERTHING?! Is it a struggle to come up with or put a twist on an idea that hasn't been done somewhere in Blogland or work on a home improvement project and remember to take/edit/post pics for you as well?  Anyway, I realize I'm kind of rambling and putting this out there for the whole wide world to see but the discussion meandered to this topic briefly last night and I am curious how many women out there are also torn by blogging time/crafting vs. family time?  

If you don't have this problem and are simply amazing and made something awesome lately, just bypass this post and come back tomorrow for our Whatcha Got Weekend linky party! See ya then ;)


Thanks to our readers for your sweet comments... we really appreciate the support and empathy of this whole balancing act of being a mommy blogger. We've decided at this time not to attend any out-of-town conferences and mother our little darlings instead.  Besides, if I'm going to take a few days away from my son, it's going to be on a gushy romantic weekend getaway with his dad and not with a bunch of women! lol ;)


  1. UGH this is a huge issue for me!! I am a teacher (who spends about 12 hours a day at her job)...so this summer is my blogging frenzy! :) While my husband's at work...I am having a blast blogging. I don't have kids yet, but I can't imagine trying to juggle ALL of it!

    During the school year...it's so hard for me. Blogging provides an almost necessary outlet for "me time"...and stress relief. BUT my husband needs me for those few hours I'm home!! It's a CONSTANT struggle!!

    So...no solutions here...just commiserating!!

  2. Love this post! I'm with you and often torn between blog time and family time. My hubby also says it takes A LOT of my time! I've always wondered if there was a balance between the two because I sometimes feel like I don't have a balance! And what's worse is that I'm a teacher and this is my summer vacation...what happens to my blog and family time when I have to work full time. Ugh! There needs to be more time in the day! =)

    P.S. I also had to leave early from an even because my hubby was hysterical because our little one had pooped out their diaper...I just laughed and went home to help!

  3. No issue for me at all. I fit the blogging and crafting in between times with my family, but the family comes first...always and in all ways. I spent several decades as a family therapist, and one of the issues that was always so prevalent for me was: "When you're ready to "go," what might you regret...time lost with family or time lost with other things (ie career, crafting, whatever...)? It starts and ends with family...

  4. Anonymous7/15/2011

    I struggle with this too,which is why my blog is still small. When I am blogging regularly I cna't find that balance so I pull away from it. I would LOVE to go to a conference and meet all those fabulous bloggers, but I can't justify (to myself) going away from my family when I have such a small blog. I can't imagine all the time and effort your blog takes with all of your followers and sponsors. Good luck with your decision!

    Oh and BTW, my hubby is a great dad too but I always get texts asking me when I am coming home then come home to a peaceful house. Silly boys. :)

  5. Wonderful post...and perfect timing! I try to work only in the very early hours (before anyone else is awake) and at naptime, but it's never quite enough. Two night a week I try to blog hop and find new friends. Just last week my hubs gave me a sad face and said "I just want to sit with you." UGGG!!! Poor guy, I took a few days off and I think he feels better=)

  6. I always think I have to rush home and everything is usually peachy. Except the one time I stayed out a little bit longer and my girls pretended it was raining over their Little People (rain=their cup of milk) and I came home to a grumpy guy scrubbing a carpet.

    I've decided that for now, I won't be going to any blog conferences. It's both for family and financial reasons. I know one day I'll go to one and finally meet all of you and I look forward to that day! It will be one of those good things that come to those who wait!

  7. Seriously... THANK YOU for this post. I have had a hard time with blogging and being consistent, especially over the past few months. My family is and always will be number one, but I enjoy crafting and blogging, too.

    I just try to not force myself to do it when I am not feeling inspired, or more likely when life gets too crazy.

    It's nice to know that I am not the only one who feels that way... :)

  8. We did miss you yesterday after you left, but I totally understand where you're coming from. It is a really hard balance figuring out how to do everything and be everything to everyone. Kids and family absolutely come first, but sometimes I just need a break to be the best momma and wife I can be. I'm super nervous about leaving them to attend SNAP, but at what point do I get to do something that I want to do too? Does that even make sense? Love you and it will all work out!

  9. Another hand raised to the square- LOVE this post :) I blog late at night when my kids are in bed usually, which means that my hubby is usually beside me watching TV and we're not REALLY together during the time we could be, ya know? My blog brings me happiness and crafting brings me a sense of calm... I know I need both, but it sure does take work to make it all balance! Work and the ability to deal with sleep deprivation!

    I used to be a scrapbooker and I will say that I think blogging helps me to actually think more about the memories happening rather than the fancy preservation of them...

    Such is life, eh? Good luck to you always... you are obviously a GREAT mom and wife in the choices you make :)

  10. I totally agree, I think it is hard to balance everything... I don't know about attending the conference either even though, I only live two hours away... it is just hard. I think many bloggers are in the same situation and completely understand if your blog gets neglected sometimes to help with more important things... at least that is what I am hoping because I have had to slow my pace a little.


  11. I couldn't agree more with this post. I think it is SO SO hard to balance blogging along with being a wife and mom. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it! And I'm really starting to not enjoy crafting and creating as much, and I think it's because I'm always worried about 'getting it posted on the blog'.

  12. I know how you feel. I usually blog at night and nap time. I love spending time with my grand kids and my whole family so I refuse to take that time away from my family.
    New follower from Sensational Weekend Social.

  13. Do what is best for you and your family. Don't try to keep up with/or compare your life with others because they are not living your life. Be true to yourself and live your amazing life as you see fit. Your family will greatly benefit from having a grounded wife and mother. All I can say from experience is do what is best for you and your family. There will always be some who will judge you but you must learn to tune them out and live and create your amazing life. I promise you, you won't regret it!

  14. You are not alone! Summer has been very overwhelming for me and my blog has suffered the consequences.
    Good luck

  15. Ahhhh I completely understand and feel this struggle often. I LOVE crafting. ADORE. And it is so so so wonderful for "me" time....buttt thennnn when I obsessively work on my blog at times I start to wonder why...and how could I change. I am nervous what will happen when I start my job in a few weeks and actually have cute little babies like yours little one in the picture.... I have no idea how people "do" everything. I guess it is just important to say "do what you love". Hard. Thanks for being honest. It is easy to look at this amazing blog and assume that it is so so so easy for you---why is it not for me!
    :) Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy

  16. You are amazing! your blog is wonderful. I feel like me little ones will only be little for a bit. In a few years they will be okay with out me for a few nights and running with glitter will still be here and so will Lolly Jane! Just think we will get to meet each other someday at one of thise amazing conferences!!! Your readers love you and even if you post 2 times a week we will be happy!!! Blogging is so healthy for me it is my outlet...

  17. And my post above has a ton of errors because I'm on my iPod laying in bed between my two kids while they are sleeping! Lol

  18. I have a post similar to this in draft and have yet to pull the rigger and hit publish. When I started blogging I was slightly obsessed and in recent months I have realized (OK, I actually knew it before, but I had an a-ha moment) that blogging had started to take over...my kids would look at me every time I took the camera out and say "is that for the blog?" Every time we went somewhere new they would say "Is this for your blog?" OUCH!

    I enjoy blogging a lot...but I enjoy my kiddos even more. I used to have a very different perspective on blogging, but it has changed, and I think a lot of others out there have had that same a-ha moment lately.

    Yes, having a successful blog offers some opportunities that are amazing, but kiddos offer something that cannot be measured.

    I spend a lot of time doing this, and it is my release, my own little piece of the world, but it is not more important than my real life.

    I missed my son's BIG CATCH at his baseball game when I was at CE in April, and I almost cried when I heard the voicemail about it...I think that says it all.

    Our hearts will tell us the right answer.

    (Sorry this is so long!)

  19. I agree completely! Thank goodness! I thought I was the only one with this problem ;)
    I am quite torn and I find that my blog suffers, often, due to famliy coming first. dont get me wrong, I dont think this should ever go the opposite way, but I'd love to find out how Im supposed to keep up with other fabulous blogs and find great things to post about on my own blog??
    I will stay tuned for a great answer :)


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}