
Trash-to-Treasure: Coat Rack

After sifting through the trash & Goodwill piles, we created this bad boy from scratch:

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We were lucky enough to find a simple pedestal table as a great base for this project:
  As soon as I saw that table, I immediately saw the potential for a coat rack base.  When I explained my idea to Kelli to create a coat rack from this & that, we headed off to our local home improvement store for a table leg and also our fav craft store for the wooden ball to top it off.  We collected some candlesticks from our craft stash, originally thinking we were going to use them but as Kelli walked past her donate pile, the light went off and we snagged the feet from this old side table:

From there we began the assembly of the rack.  
We placed things here 'n there, holding it up with every available hand until it was "just right." 
 It was fun to see how similar our taste really is when we pieced things in the same order and decided what needed to be cut or trimmed in unison.  Twins! ;)  

We had a heck-of-a-time getting all the parts sturdy but alas, after some elbow grease, it is now kid-proof!  We added dowels & screws to each piece then putty'd it and painted over it.  You'd never know! 

Anyway we chose a pale blue-ish gray for the rack, mostly because it was free (borrowed a can of oops! paint from our older sis Sandee- thanks San!) but also because this is her housewarming gift ;)

We added a little glaze to the crevices, sanded the corners a bit then screwed on 8 matching hooks {had them in our craft stash but they're from Ikea}:

Trash-table turned Treasured-coatrack:
Hope you enjoyed our transformation!
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If you did, please vote for us here! ;)  
Thanks you guys!!  

{Linky ♥ here}
PS: and here:

This project featured here too:

Thirty Hand Made Days


  1. I think you are cheating by posting this before the competition is posted on Naptime Crafters! JK!! SUPER CUTE!!! I've actually been looking for a cute coat rack at thrift stores. I never thought of making one myself! :) Love it!!


  2. Way to go girls! Tough competition, huh?!
    Scissors & Spatulas

  3. Anonymous5/06/2011

    I love this! I just might do this. We have been wanting a coat rack for a long time but haven't found we like yet. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. soooooo darling!!!!!! I LOVE my new coatrack! you girls are freaking awesome to think of me instead of keeping it for yourselves :)


  5. lovin the transformation! good job lolly gals :-)

    mindi @ crafting gals

  6. LOVE this! Great job creating it from trash. Creative!

  7. PS: You know I voted for ya's! ;)

  8. OK...seriously? This is AWESOME!! And it's so cool when you go back to look at the "after" photo and find all the little pieces that went into building it!!! AND, I love that you added hooks at the bottom - something so simple & so important that probably would have been looked over by most people (like me...;)). Great job! Headin' over to vote for ya right now...;)

  9. Very creative idea! I've been wanting one for our small foyer but store ones are always too bulky and big for our space. This little one you guys made would be a perfect size! New follower right here:)

  10. You guys are AWESOME!!! I can't even tell you how bad I want one of those...seriously. You are GENIUSES!

  11. Anonymous5/06/2011

    Thanks for visiting my blog....sorry it took me this long to reply! I'm glad you found me because now I get to follow your wonderful blog!

  12. wow how great - dying to make a coat rack, this turned out really great :D

  13. WOW! You are genius. I *heart* this project so much. Bookmarking this to come back to. I *heartheartheart* it.

  14. This is very cute! Great job! Thanks for linking up at Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop

  15. Yes, I enjoyed the transformation! Thanks for linking this awesome post at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop. It's a great Mothers' Day present for me :)

  16. It ooks great! I love the batton board in the background!

    I am having a giveaway on my blog. $27 store credit to get a fabulous organizer from Cmmoca's handmade shop (Etsy). ends tonight.

  17. Love this! Heading over to vote for you now and will be following your blog as well. I found your link at Lil Luna's link party. http://scrappybaglady.blogspot.com/

  18. I just saw this at NapTime Crafters today. It floored me because I was driving to the mall this morning and was thinking of this EXACT idea. I was thinking, "Hmmm . . . could I get a bunch of beat down lamps and drill them together? What would be the base." Moments this are crazy. Great minds think alike. If I ever do do it, I will make sure to put a link to your awesomeness because we are clearly thinking on the same wave length for this one.

  19. I have been wanting a coat rack. .. yours looks great! I don't think I would have ever looked at those elements and thought "Coatrack!". . .but now that you've shown me, the gears are turning.

  20. Thanks for linking up! I love it! xoxo

  21. Such a terrific use of old parts and new finds, too! Love it AND love the color you chose. Lucky sis to have you gift it to her!
    Found you thru Creating a House of Grace and so happy to find your pretty blog! I'm having a blog party and giveaway soon so hop on over to visit me when you get a chance!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  22. Great project! I love coat racks, but they're so hard to find. Thanks for linking up at I Made It! Monday at Ninth Street Notions. Can't wait to see what you have this next week!

  23. I need a coat rack and am totally inspired to build my own. Maybe with a little help from the hubby.

  24. Looks fantastic. Very clever indeed.

  25. Good job! Recycling ftw!

  26. Well done – it makes a nice change to read something that makes sense. Pleasing on the eye too. You have a real nice site.

  27. such a great coat tree,I love it!


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}