
Picture perfect

Okay well they're not perfect exactly, but much better anyway! 

Has anyone else's sweet husband finally caved and let you purchase that really nice camera you've been drooling over {I shoot with a Canon Rebel T2i} but then you get it home and discover you have zilch idea how to use the darn thing and tend to stay on the magic green auto button?  Me too!  But alas, no more! lol

Thanks to Kristen Duke Photography's e-book,

I went from this...

....to this with just a switch & clicks of a few buttons.
What a difference!
Note: No judging allowed for the bottle ring from last night's feeding ;)

Kristen's e-book Say No To Auto {besides being cute} is easy to read and understand.   It teaches you how to avoid the auto button and venture into manual mode. I think my favorite page is The Glossary of Terms {photography jargon} because I blog stalk a few photo blogs for tips and now GET their lingo!  Yay ;)  Kristen has broken down the scariness complicated method of using the manual settings on SLR cameras and narrowed it down to 3 basic questions you must ask yourself before taking a shot.  She covers ISO, aperture & shutter speed... I actually know what that means now!  While playing around with it, I would giggle and pat myself on the back, happy that my camera is "working" the way it should.  Finally!  Oh, did I mention the e-book is also adorable? :)

Go stop by
and grab your own copy.  
For only $10, it is a smokin' deal and SUCH a help for those of us to are just getting started... if nothing else you can tell that husband of yours that you now know how to use the not-so-scary manual button your fancy schmancy camera.
Thanks Kristen! 

PS:  Don't forget to enter the Shabby Apple giveaway below ;)


  1. One day, I too, will own a beautiful DSLR. And you {Kristin!} will have to show me the rppes!

  2. Anonymous3/06/2011

    Thanks for the link- I am going to check her out!

  3. ps: cute little guy too!!

  4. Good to know, wish I had that camera, lol. Spoiled! ;)

  5. you should let me borrow that book.


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