
Have your cake and eat it too?

I'm having a little brunch next weekend and have been racking my brain for dessert idea's that are brunch-y (is that a word?) and asked my darling husband what he thought about having cake.
He laughed at me.
He said it was too early in the day to eat cake.
He said he didn't want to pay for cake that wouldn't get eaten.
What do husbands know anyway?

I continued to browse and found some idea's...

...but then remembered I can't bake :{
Eek! I have people flying in from 4 different states for this brunch!

So I know it's a long shot but,
What if there's a talented baker in the Valley of the Sun that wants to trade me a brunch-y cake for 3 months of advertising on Lolly Jane?
If you're out there, speak up!  I need you!
I'm looking for something fruity and cold and all whipped creamy. Mmmm.... :)
{Leave a comment with your name/contact info}

If not.... my guests will be departing with bellies full of waffles and sausage and borning fruit but no cake.  And that's okay but,
Isn't life sweeter with a little cake in the morning? 
I think so, too :)
***EDITED: We found our lifesaver bakerella!  Delicious details to follow***

PS: Stay tuned for a GiVeAwAy to kick off the NeW*yEaR!!!!!!!!
It's going to be TOCKin'.... there's a hint ;)


  1. Oooh! You should check out SweetCakes in downtown Mesa- they have TO DIE FOR cookies! I know they do custom stuff, too! Good luck ;-)

  2. i loooooooove sweet cakes! i didn't even think of them. thanks for the suggestion lesley :)

  3. Silly husbands! Don't they know that anytime is a good time for cake??? Good luck in your search - if I hear of anyone, I'll let you know!

    Betsey at b.bar

  4. I am very interested in this! I have followed Lolly Jane for a while now, and I also just happen to be a baker.

    I am fairly new to the blogging world myself, my blog is less than a year old and I could definitely use all the advertising I can get.

    Feel free to take a look and please contact me if you are interested!

    Thanks so much!

  5. I'm in the Valley of the Sun! But today it's Valley of Rain...I like it :)

    Anyway, a really simple, no bake dessert you could try is Pineapple Lush. It's just angel food cake, cool whip, vanilla pudding and crushed pineapple. It looks really pretty and tastes very light. Google the recipe to see how people put them together...it's so fast & simple and DELISH!

  6. Julie! You're in :)
    Thank you so much!!!!
    Email me at lollyjane@gmail.com so we can swap info.

  7. I adore brunches!!! I hope I'm invited... just kidding! Anyway, if it were me I'd make cream puffs. Let me know if you'd like the recipe, because they are divine! How about a strawberry-applesauce cake, with fresh whipped cream and strawberry sauce? I'd also do muffins, because I LOVE muffins. Or, you could do scones with lemon curd! Mmmm, so many ideas. I hope you're serving tea, too. If you need any help, just holla! *B

  8. only you, kris! (: i LOVE it.

  9. Hey Kristi, I can't wait to see the cake you served. I'ver never thought of a brunch cake so this sounds great. Happy New Year to you!


  10. How about a fruit pizza. Super simple...you take sugar cookie dough, press it into a round pizza pan and bake according to directions. Let it cool. Combine cream cheese, cool whip, a little powdered sugar and vanilla spread it over the sugar cookie and then layer with fruits...kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries...anything you like...so pretty and soooo good. Let me know if you are interested and I will get you the recipe. I also bake for future reference. www.jamiessugarshack.blogspot.com


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}