
Free Christmas printable!

You'll notice Kris & I were a lot more gung ho about the holidays leading up to Christmas vs. Christmas itself.  Oh yes, we were raised with all the glitz, glamour and fun of it, but our dear parents also emphasized on the "reason for the season."  Now that we're moms, we're focusing more on the latter and less on the candy, stockings and presents. 
Please note that we aren't complete Scrooges and some fun Christmas tutorials are in the works ;)

Enjoy our free printable,
Unto Us a Child is Born
as a reminder of what this holiday is truly about: the celebration of our Savior's birth.

To print your free 8x10:  Click the image {click again once in the screen that will pop up for full resolution} then right-click to save or print.

{Linky  here}

and here:
Visit thecsiproject.com


  1. I totally agree with you we try to make memories that the children will have forever instead of giving gifts that don't make it to the next christmas. Thanks for the printout!

  2. This is the first year we felt our kids were old enough to really understand more about the true meaning... Thanks for this lovely reminder, I'm totally printing this one:)

  3. Anonymous12/03/2010

    this post is very usefull thx!

  4. What a great reminder! Looks great framed, too :) thanks!

  5. Thanks I am going to use it with some others I got from the net to create a little display!

  6. Ooh, thanks for the printable!

    I think I have found a new fave blog here!

    Stop by and see my sometime over at Free 2 Be Frugal.

  7. Agree with Becky- toys just get forgotten. Hoping kids remember why we celebrate this time of year- this is a great reminder.

    New follower! Visit me at http://scrapncraft.wordpress.com/ sometime!

  8. Kelli- I appreciate you sharing your printable! Thanks so much for linking to the party - I greatly appreciate it! I featured these today - stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you have a lovely week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  9. I love this printable! I have a red and white Christmas theme going and I appreciate the fact that this one is focused on the real reason for Christmas. Thank you!

  10. Thanks for the beautiful printable! I can't wait to get into our new home and display it properly!

  11. Hey I just adore this! You did an awesome job!! I featured you at my blog today. I'd love it if you could stop by and say hey! While your there I've got a widget on the top right hand side. For each click it gets P&G will donate 1 days worth of clean water! I'd appreciate a click! Easy way to give back! Thanks!


  12. Beautiful...thanks for sharing.

  13. I linked up to your printable. Thanks! http://txtanya.blogspot.com/2011/11/linky-love-christmas-printables.html


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}