
Guest blogger: Fresh Poppy Design

Hey followers,
We have a real TREAT today: Fresh Poppy Design as guest bloggers, 
{our first guest bloggers.} 
Here is a bit about their cute selves:

Hi all, I am Heather and my sister Megan and I have a fun blog named
We both have A.D.D. when it comes to crafting, and today we are going to share all the madness on our blog!
Two years ago we started a quilt company named FRESH POPPY DESIGN, we share our quilting projects on our blog as well as sell them.  Here is our most recent quilt...
We also love repurposing anything. Megan bought this bugly (that's short for butt ugly Mom, just don't ask what fugly means) console on craig's list.

Then she worked her magic and came up with this beauty!

We also often do tutorials. These fabric blocks come with detailed instructions on our blog... for more details on these blocks, click here.

This was a fun easy project I came with with.  A little spray paint, open frame, scrapbook paper and some glue.  Easy peasy and cute!  I've got a step by step on this too.

We also LOVE to decorate. When we are older and all the kids are off, we may ditch our quilting company and go into interior design. All our projects and decor are on a budget. This hutch was under $300 total. If you look closely, there is fabric backing behind the dishes. We share with you how to do this on our blog too :)
I redecorate my mantle most seasons. This was my winter mantle. I was sad to take it down. However we had a LONG winter here in Utah, and I got to stare at my cute arrogant deer for several months!

For more mantle decor, click here.
For you quilters or aspiring quilters, we have a second blog called QUILTSTORY. We just started this up a few months ago. It has been a place where we share different bloggers quilts and the stories that go with them.

Also we are starting a linky party on Tuesday's where all we do is share fabric projects. We would love if you came to share your projects here!!  Really, more than love we are kinda begging.  We are terrified that come Tuesday night my best friend Sara and our mom will be the only links. :)

Fresh Poppy Design
Thanks Kelli and Kristi for the guest post!  So much fun!!  We hope you all will come visit us on FRESH POPPY DESIGN and QUILTSTORY, we'd love to have you!

A HUGE thank you to Heather & Megan for being our lovely guests today. 
Please visit them- their site ROCKS! Thanks, girls :) 
Kelli & Kristi


  1. Thanks for the guest post girls! We love your blog and we are so happy to be featured :)

  2. We're SO glad you were willing to swap with us! :)

    SOOOOO in love with that console! AND that cute stinkin hutch holy smokes! Adorable!!

    Thanks again, girlies! :)

  3. k that mantle is way cute! such talent!

  4. i'm beyond in love with that console!

  5. what a cute site..i'll have to venture on over!

  6. great post :)
    love you guys!
    glad to find lolly jane's blog too

  7. Ok, when the post first came out I just saw the quilt and thought, dang kellz, u took up sewing. hahaha! I love that console too! Fridgen awesome.
    Thanks Kristi for stopping by and showing some aloha.


  8. Now that's talent! Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wow! Cute stuff! Kristi I need an invite to your blog! I have not been able to catch up on your life and I hear you have a sweet little boy now! Ah! Congrats!!

  10. i'm so happy you I found you! love your blog :)


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