
Stocking board

Don't have a fireplace to hang your stocking?
Here's an easy fix:

To make your own stocking board, you'll need:
18x6 board
wooden letter "S"
acrylic paint
hot glue
vinyl lettering or stencil
Christmas embellishment

After painting the board, apply your knobs.  {How many you'll need depends on the size of your family.}  Embellish the "S" with paint and to make it shine, add some glitter while the paint is still wet.  Hoy glue onto board; add a Christmas embellishment if you have one.  Lastly, apply your vinyl lettering {sold HERE} or stencil it on by hand.  

Hang your stockings by the tree and wait for Santa to come :)


  1. Oh my gosh, this is TOO cute. I love that S!! =)

  2. I love free stuff...I'm there! LOOOOVE this too, girl!

  3. This is totally cute -- we do have a fireplace but it would still work here as well.

  4. That is so cute!!

    Happy Saturday,
    kari & kijsa

  5. This would be perfect! Even with a fireplace, we can't hang our stockings on the mantel (we actually use our fireplace - it gets too hot!) and with 5 nobs, it's perfect - enough for the dog to hang his stocking, too. :) Adorable!!! If I don't win, I want to buy one. I have to figure out how to do that!!!

  6. This is truly the cutest stocking holder I have seen!
    I signed up for the drawing at Leelou's.
    I just wanted to tell you thanks for donating your gift. It got me falling in LOVE with your site!

  7. Hi Ashley gave me this website to look at and I LOVE this sign! I was wondering if you were still making them and how much it would be for that plus shipping? If you can email me that would be great! my email is brittlee_hatch@hotmail.com Thank you so much


{Thanks for your question/comment/opinion! xoxo}